Правила аренды (просьба ознакомиться до бронирования):
В стоимость аренды включен пробег 120 км/сутки, далее 1км=10 бат. При аренде на несколько дней пробег суммируется. ВЫЕЗД НА АВТО НЕ ДАЛЬШЕ КРАБИ, КАОЛАК по предварительному согласованию.
Дополнительно оплачивается мойка автомобиля 400 бат.
У всех автомобилей имеется страховка Бизнес, франшиза в сумме депозита может быть удержана в зависимости от обстоятельств ДТП. Колеса, диски, стекла не страхуются. В некоторых случаях могут быть удержаны дополнительные средства за простой автомобиля на ремонте и возмещение пострадавшим. Проколотые шины, упавший на авто кокос и другие повреждения автомобиля, вследствие неаккуратного использования не страхуются.
Международное в/у не работает при отсутствии национального пластикового в/у. Страховка без в/у не работает.
Автомобиль сдаётся с тем же уровнем топлива, что при получении или оплачивается разница.
В случае отмены брони или досрочного прекращения аренды без подтверждения веских обстоятельств, деньги не возвращаются.
Правила аренды (просьба ознакомиться до начала аренды автомобиля):
1. Езда в алкогольном и наркотическом опьянении строго запрещена. В случае ДТП страховка не работает.
2. Если у вас нет водительского удостоверения - страховка не работает.
3. Строго запрещено курить в авто, перевозить домашних животных, есть дуриан и тд. Химчистка 3000 бат.
4. Пересдача авто третьим лицам строго запрещена.
5. Дополнительно оплачивается мойка автомобиля 400 бат.
6. Автомобиль сдаётся с тем же уровнем топлива, что при получении.
7. Суточный пробег на авто 120 км, при аренде на несколько дней пробег суммируется, перепробег 10 бат за 1 км. Запрещено покидать остров без согласования и предупреждения администратора!
8. Парковка у красно/белых бортиков запрещена. Полиция вешает цепи на колеса. С нюансами ПДД Таиланда можно ознакомиться на нашем сайте: https://katacars.info/pravila-dorozhnogo-dvizheniya-v-tailande-pdd-tailand/
9. Не забывайте выключать свет в автомобиле, вызов специалиста при разрядке аккумулятора оплачивается дополнительно.
10. Проколотые шины, упавший на авто кокос и другие повреждения автомобиля, вследствие неаккуратного использования не страхуются.
11. Во время дождей будьте аккуратны проезжая большие лужи, а также паркуя авто на ночь на низменности. Затопление/гидроудар не считается страховым случаем.
12. В случае досрочного прекращения аренды без подтверждения веских обстоятельств, деньги за неиспользуемый период не возвращаются.
Образец договора
Permitted locations of use: Phuket
If the car is allowed to travel outside the province of Phuket, if necessary, evacuate the car by special transport back to the province - at the expense of the client.
The vehicle has business class insurance
We will inspect your vehicle upon return and add any additional charges associated with your use of the vehicle such as fuel, vehicle condition/damage/missing accessories and early/late returns to your account. Some charges may not be finalized at the time of the return, such as major or hidden damage or any penalties we receive later.
Smoking in the car:
Fine for smoking in the car 5000 THB
IMPORTANT: You are fully responsible to us in case of late return of the vehicle, loss or damage, as well as for traffic police fines and other expenses that arise during the rental. In the event of a traffic accident, the insurance deductible in the amount of THB 5000 is deducted from the deposit. You must also pay for vehicle downtime associated with its repair, but not more than 14 days.
Definition: All references to "vehicle" in these Rental Terms refer to the vehicle that we make available to you for rental, including any replacements, and all parts and accessories belonging to the vehicle.
Condition: We will provide a summary of the condition of the vehicle in our video report at the beginning of the rental, which will be sent to you via WhatsApp/Telegram. Before leaving, it is important to check the condition of the vehicle and compare its actual condition with the video evidence. Any differences must be reported to staff so that the video can be updated before you leave the location.
Maintenance: You are responsible for caring for your vehicle and reducing the risk of breakage and damage by complying with our Rental Restrictions (below),
You should also make: you are using the correct fuel and have your tires checked regularly.
If an indicator of any malfunction comes on on the vehicle's dashboard, you must immediately report it to the operator via chat.
Don’t forget to turn off the lights in the car; calling a specialist to charge the battery costs 1000 baht.
You must also return vehicle clean just after CAR WASH otherwise a fee of 500 THB will be applied.
Fuel: We will issue you a vehicle with FULL TANK fuel. The fuel level is confirmed by a photo sent to you via the WhatsApp messenger. You will need to return the vehicle with the same tank or pay for the extra fuel required to fill the tank upon return, including a refueling service fee, so that vehicle for you.
it is your responsibility to drive and park your vehicle carefully, in accordance with local traffic regulations and in accordance with the traffic conditions at the time. The vehicle belongs to us and you may not sublease, transfer or sell it.
You are responsible for returning the vehicle in the condition in which we delivered it, subject to normal wear and tear. You will be liable to us, to the extent permitted by applicable law, for any additional damage discovered upon return.
- Transportation of passengers for remuneration (eg as a taxi, car sharing, etc.).
- Off-road or on roads unsuitable for the vehicle (including racing tracks).
- When it is overloaded with passengers and/or luggage.
- Transportation of goods for a fee;
- Take part in any race, rally or other competition.
- In restricted areas and beaches.
- In violation of any traffic or other regulations.
- For any illegal purpose
The renter is obliged to notify the company in advance during working hours about the intention to leave the island. the penalty for uncoordinated departure from the island is 5000 baht.
The allowed amount of kilometers per day is 120 km. For each kilometer over the allowed amount, a fee of 10 baht/km will be charged.
The lessee agrees that the photo and video is proof of the condition of the car that he/she is obliged to return the car in the same technical and cosmetic condition as it was recorded on the video by an employee of the lessor's company on the day of signing the contract. At the renter's request, the video can be sent to the client. Media materials may be used by the company in social networks for promotional purposes.
Authorized Drivers:_____________________________________________________________________________________
If someone is not listed on the rental agreement or added later without our express permission, they are not authorized by us to drive the vehicle.
Authorized drivers may not drive if they are overtired or under the influence of any substance that may impair their consciousness or ability to respond, such as alcohol, drugs, or certain medications. In addition to any fine or fee you incur, we may also charge an administration fee to offset the time and expense we incur in resolving these matters.
Help: If you have any problems with your car due to a mechanical problem or an accident, you should call to the rent company. Please note that you must not allow anyone to service or repair the Vehicle without our permission.
If you are involved in an accident, you agree to cooperate with us and our insurers in any investigation or subsequent legal proceeding.
You must also take the following steps:
- Report this to the rental office immediately.
- Contact an insurance agent
- If necessary, call an ambulance and the police.
Liability: If the vehicle is lost, stolen or damaged during the rental, you are responsible for all damages we incur (up to the full replacement cost of the vehicle) and all expenses we incur, unless the loss or damage occurs directly through our fault. or we have been reimbursed by a third party or their insurers.
Theft: If the vehicle is stolen, you must:
- report to the local police;
- call emergency roadside assistance
- call the rental office
As soon as you can, you should also:
- fill out a theft report at the rental point.
You must be able to demonstrate that you have exercised due care by returning the keys to us and a copy and/or link to the police report, otherwise our applicable waiver products will be invalid.
The cost of the vehicle at the date of commencement of the lease is ____________ baht.
The client must notify the company's staff of the expected time and place of pickup of the vehicle 24 hours before the event.
If you return the vehicle after business hours, you will be solely responsible for the vehicle, including any damage, until we can locate it during business hours. The rent will be calculated until the opening of the institution.
Late return: Return of the vehicle is made before 20.00. If you return the vehicle later, you will enter a new 24-hour period and you will be charged for
that and every subsequent 24-hour period until
returned at the current standard rate.
If you return the car early, money for the unused rental period will not be returned.